There are few people in life that you just naturally cant help to admire. For footballers this may be David Beckham, for actors Robert De Niro. But i do not think anybody can deny that Michael Jackson was the most influential singer, dancer and entertainer of all time.
To me Michael Jackson reminds me of my childhood, when i didn't quite realise how much of a king he was. Know not only am i older, but i realise how influential this entertainer was.
This man is able to quite literally take my breathe away, and leave me in utter awe. His stage presence, dance skills and singing talents are, to me, a very small part of the package. for me its the curiosity that engages me. his unusual lifestyle and childlike behaviour is what keep me enthralled.
I had tickets for the first night of his gruelling 'THIS IS IT' world tour. That was an opportunity of a life time that i will always be sad never came round. But to have the chance to see the rehearsal tapes has just fed my admiration of this talented man and left me even more fascinated.
The one thing with Michael Jackson is that you can never get bored of him. yes he sparks debate and controversy but that is what this celebrity gossip filled media is all about and who knew that better than the legendary pop icon himself.
I am not just a fan of Jacksons music and moves but of his character and fashion style. In the words of Hilary Alexander, 'Michael Jackson was a one-man band for fashion'. Even during tough rehearsal on the film 'THIS IS IT' it appeared he was making a return to fashion's front line wearing a crystal-trimmed tuxedo designed by the likes of Christophe Decarnin for Balmain which, with my over exaggerated shoulder obsession of late, i would die for.
Michael Jackson will always be an admired icon and inspiration to me, even if he was wearing women's togs.