For project 1 in IT and advertising production i was asked to choose an article from a magazine that attracts and interests me, to scan it in and using adobe indesign i had to re-style and re-structure the article acording to how i think it should be layed out. i am able to change the article as much or as little as i want to.

The next two images are from the next two double spread images, next to these pages are adverts from O2 and John Lewis. i really like these pages because they seem to follow a colour theme each. i don't think they need editing much, however i would like to experiment with a different font for the 'I' and the quotes which go across the page.
The final page of the article is mainly writing. however i like how the quote runs straight the way through to break it up, also the images are in a good place at the bottom right, as they are easily visible, however the images are not in timeline order, the images are shown are from different years but in a mixed order. i think i will change it so they read from left to right in chronological order.
The article i have chosen to be re-presented is from the November 2008 issue of Elle. It is an article called 'Comme des Garcons hits the high str
eet', where one of
Elle interviews the mastermind behind the designer label, Rei Kawakubo about her collaboration with H&M and her work overall.

These are the images of the original scanned in article;
The beginning two page spread to the article i think should be the opposite way round, because readers tend to read from the left to the right, therefore the image of Comme des Garcon and her work can be easily bypassed.

The next two images are from the next two double spread images, next to these pages are adverts from O2 and John Lewis. i really like these pages because they seem to follow a colour theme each. i don't think they need editing much, however i would like to experiment with a different font for the 'I' and the quotes which go across the page.

I like the unique layout of this article and think it works well for being about Rei Kawakubo, therefore i do not want to change the layout too much, only develop a good knowledge of Indesign.
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