i am going to design and produce myself a business card. i will create this using adobe illustrator. When designing my business card i must think about the information that i put on it, making sure it is appropriate, such as; a logo, styling, the design and layout,composition, tactility, reversal and colour.
My own personal information that will be put on the business card is my name, my email address and mobile number, the university adress and full title of my course.
To start my designing of my business card i began with a few doodles which i did in one class.

The flower is something i always doodle, and because i do not have a specific field which my business card is being made for such as a design/creative agency, i feel it is important to design it in a way in which i like which can hopefully show my character.
i really like the bright gel pens i used to colour this flower with, i like bold, bright use of colour and would like to incoporate this into my design.
i would also like my business card to be quirky and fun as well as useful.
the skyline idea, i really like. it developed from an image i saw a while ago on the internet. I like the idea of using small drawings, like doodles on my business card as i think these can be small but also effective as they can be memorable.