Saturday 18 September 2010

Why i don't dress for men

The essay in Instyle’s October issue is by Emily Dean on why she stopped dressing for men. It made me realise, that I’ve never dressed for men.

There are exceptions to this, like nights out with the girls. Where it is important to feel sexy, it helps you feel confident and ooze the right amount of sex appeal. Enough to get chatting to the guy you’re eyeing up, in order to get your free drink and if you’re lucky, snog of the night.
Fashion is about self expression. Which as Emily Dean’s sister points out to her “is what the problem is with dressing for men, you’re constantly second-guessing someone else’s tastes.”
Some women are ultra feminine and express this with low cut figure hugging dresses. I, on the other hand, am still young and immature and often have masculine tendencies. I’m not saying I burp and fart in public, just that I don’t always sit with my legs crossed and might wear my t-shirt half un-tucked.
The article ends with Emily Dean asking “Why is it that as soon as I stop dressing for men, I start getting genuine interest from men?” Which her friend replies “i think, you’ve just answered your own question.”

This hits the nail on the head as to what my wardrobe is – genuine to who i am, in order to attract genuine interest from the ever confusing opposite sex.
This whole idea of genuine interest might be old fashioned but i believe everyone single or settled should dress genuine to who they are, because it is a well known fact that self-confidence is the most attractive quality in any person.

image from Trend Hunter - Hugo boss ad

1 comment:

Megan Blair said...

I think it's most important that the person feels good :)